
Point of fact, the two dose efficacy rate of the MMR booster against mumps is 80-90%. The overwhelming majority of individuals who have been vaccinated are seroimmune against mumps. You are emphatically incorrect and appear to lack any formal education in epidemiology, immunology, or infectious disease.

Apparently he copy pasted that message to a ton of women today. Shockingly it didnt end well.

I am cool with men who have shaved their chest hair into the bat signal. That guy was actually a great shag, and had one of the biggest penises I've encountered.

I dunno, I kind of like this one...

The WBC is genuinely made up of true believers. They believe in what they're doing (though that's only true of some of the kids until they reach legal age to leave). They're not trolls, they're fighting a holy crusade. They don't celebrate Christmas, because the Bible never idicates that it should be done. They

Maybe she got paid in gift cards?

Good to know...

Oh, for fuck's sake. Yes, child sexual abuse is disgusting and awful. What possible down side is there to trying to help prevent people from doing it? Why wouldn't we want to do that?

These little boys keep on dying, unarmed and on their own

Also this (sorry if I'm flooding; I'm just a massive news nerd and this is terrifying) People running away from riot police who then fire tear gas at them.

It's fun to subpoena the YMCA

You know what I think? I think anyone who's never stood and stared suicide in the face should shut the fuck up. I think anyone who hasn't cried themselves to sleep and wake in the morning only to find fresh tears are already falling should sit the fuck down. I think anyone who doesn't understand what it's like to be

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;

Nonsense, it was a game. I didn't pay 60 dollars for a glorified ending. But what I got was a dozen or so hours full of corridors filled with waves of guys to shoot (No bosses! Even the final confrontation, if you can call it that, was just more waves of standard enemies!!! What a bunch of crock), and nothing rpg-ish