
be safe dude.

In Houston here. It’s bad, ya, but there are still plenty of gas stations available if you get away from the flooded zones. I have three that are open right now within a mile of me. Things are freaky scary bad, yes, but it’s not the end of the world either.

Actually, they are out there by the dozens rescuing people. This is a massive effort, and much of it is just a dude with a truck.

The state is parking fuel trucks at the edge of the flooding. Line up, fill up, get back out there.

They are getting gas at that last gas station on the edge of the flooded area, that is not under water and still has electricity, and now has a big sign out front that says “Last Chance To Buy Gas For A Thousand Miles”.

Volunteers and charity’s are trying to bring fuel to teen.

That is a quality old timey Jalopnik joke that deserved a new lease on life. Thank you.

last i heard the addicks dam was overflowing.. barker might be too... that cant be good..

Well you’ve completely missed my point but I agree with you. As I’ve said in this thread, I’m not saying this is even a top five reason. I’m saying that there seems to be consensus among liberals that ESPN definitely does not have a liberal bias without allowing any room for the possibility. That’s all I said.

I don’t disagree that it is not THE reason or even top five. However, everything I see on the subject summarily dismisses the very notion of a liberal-bent. That it is only the paranoid imagination of right-wing kooks. You can say someone is crazy for making that a reason but don’t pretend the reason doesn’t exist at

I know most here will disagree but the widespread rush to renounce the idea that ESPN’s declining popularity could be due to its liberal-bent is extremely telling. It was a constant refrain during the lay offs earlier this year. It is so important to you to abolish the very appearance of a conservative movement that