chibbs vicious

Florida is pretty damn miserable in the summer. Most of the rich people usually choose to head north until at least September.

Maybe the age difference is integral to the story?

I never saw Black Swan, or the majority of Aronofsky's films, but I will defend The Fountain wherever it needs defending.

What Laid Beneath

She married Javier Bardem… She knew what she was getting into… I say, let her crash.

I think the critic just finds that character type uninteresting.

Never underestimate how important being on a high profile show, even in a small, thankless role, is to being an actor. Not to mention, how great it is to just land a gig that pays as well as an American TV show.

Not sure if you're serious or not, but I was joking about the belief that was making the rounds some time ago (and may still be for all I know) about how past discrimination against the Irish in America is a myth. For instance:…

The scene of Bronn running through the battle felt very reminiscent of Jon running through the battle in the Battle of the Bastards. I approve of both.

Whenever I start to feel a little too sorry for Theon I remind myself that he did murder a couple of innocent children and I suddenly don't feel so sorry for him anymore.

It practically cleans itself up.

I'm sure she'll be back, although my guess is we won't see her again this season.

Yes, the battle was definitely a step up over other action sequences in the previous two episodes.

Nope, it was definitely a laugh at "Dick-on."

Considering Euron managed to build an entire fleet of ships in such a seemingly short period of time Kings Landing should be nothing but "scorpions" by now.

They were frozen. The implication seemed to be that they would survive.

Impossible as everyone knows discrimination against the Irish never really happened.

They do all the CGI for the Star Wars films first and then insert the actors. Makes it hard to allow improvisation.

Some people pay good money for that.

He's too much of an auteur. He'd never fit into the corporate Marvel machine.