chibbs vicious

Make A Wish* Foundation

This movie is making me want to love it so badly it can't help but disappoint.

No way I'm paying anything for this. Now, if it's FTP, then I might give it a go.

Still doing better than Dark Tower on Rotten Tomatoes.

Even without torrent I'm surprised this didn't shoot straight to home video.

I wonder if in an earlier draft the divorced husband was behind the kidnapping. It just seems like he should be the obvious antagonist.

The reviews I've read so far seem to indicate the Dark Tower adaptation has forgotten the face of his father.

Only if Berry has to seduce or have sex with someone for questionable reasons during the course of the movie.

She's in the upcoming Kingsman sequel. That looks promising.

Too likely to break out into song.

If the kidnappers are really interested in human trafficking why did they not kidnap Berry as well?

I'm starting to think the JFK film may not have been so factual.

You can't tell us because then you'd have to kill us?

It's pretty much a right of passage in small farming communities. You make a lot of money (for a teenager) in a short span of time.

How much sinning will she be doing?

Audience is exclusive to DirecTV, They've also got the new Mr Mercedes limited series.

By the time I got to page 127 I started to wonder if we would ever get to an actual storyline.

Is this about how all the word-word books were lost before the boom-booms?

Wouldn't have thought a film about the creation of the dictionary would have so many torture scenes.

I liked The Return and hope they make another season. If nothing else, the beach song from Star Crash made the whole season worthwhile.