The book is very much unlike what King normally writes. Nothing supernatural*. Just a fairly straight forward detective story.
The book is very much unlike what King normally writes. Nothing supernatural*. Just a fairly straight forward detective story.
Even with those three I think Kanye is still the best choice.
I'm sure Ed Asner is a big Trump supporter. Nothing liberal about Ed Asner.
The obvious choice for Trump and Trump Jr is Gary and Jake Busey, although I do not know if Jake is a supporter or not.
How can they be bodyguards? I don't see any boob armor. How will they protect their boobs?
More black people as well.
Wow, that wasn't tricky at all.
It is better when the villains have a kinda-sorta chance of walking away with something, if not outright winning.
Although I'm disappointed the female guards don't have boob armor. How are they supposed to protect their boobs?
He’s a “dissident from the country and aspiring prince who has colluded with a hostile foreign adversary in a bid to bring down the rightful heir to Wakanda’s throne.”
Barron: My Life as the Richest Anchor Baby in the World
Canada isn't one to toot it's own horn.
The ultimate ending will be Cersei waking up in bed while a fully dressed Summer Glau keeps watch.
Seems like that would be the main selling point.
So Game of Thrones is a sequel to Avatar.
If you're disappointed then your expectations were not based on the available evidence.
"There was this game… and a lot of thrones… and more flaccid penises than I've ever seen in my life."
I prefer anarcho-syndicalist communes myself.
I don't think Jamie will go until he's killed Cersei first.
This explains a lot about my mother's immense butt.