chibbs vicious

It's easy to trust someone who is very up front about not being Jackie Chan.

Island of Doctor Moreau claims another victim. Don't know why they don't just shut that place down.

I spent several minutes looking at that picture trying to figure out where the damn plane was supposed to be. I eventually gave up and assumed my eyesight is just bad.

Yes, at least in the 90's the crap they showed actually had something to do with history.

So Earhart's plane must have fallen through a crack in time and ended up captured by the Japanese two years before she ever left. Her story gets more amazing all the time.

I think the character is hilarious but I would not want to hang out with him. There'd be a 90% chance you'd end up dead or raped.

Not what I meant. Since all of the Marvel shows and movies are part of a shared universe, and the people who run the TV shows don't seem to get along well with the people who run the movies, by letting this show have Squirrel Girl Marvel is basically saying they will never use Squirrel Girl in a film. That could

They actually lived in Brooklyn Heights, which makes slightly more sense as to why they were so car-dependent, but only slightly.

This is a show on Freeform. They're lucky they got a hero with any name recognition. Personally, I'm kind of surprised Marvel isn't holding on to Squirrel Girl for a potential film appearance given the criticisms they get over not having enough female superheros and the popularity of the character,

Pretty sure it's in the background somewhere. If one of the leads looks in that direction you may retroactively get your SAG card,

Having been forced to watch the first three movies many, many times I can honestly say that the Minions movie is the only one I still enjoy at all.

There's already a Bumblebee spin-off movie slated for next year, but at least it's not directed by Bay.

If I recall correctly, the book actually has two twists. The one you mentioned, and the framing device. In the book a space ship picks up a manuscript floating through space in a bottle. The occupants of the ship read the story that follows. In the end, it turns out the ship's occupants are apes as well, and they

It's been a long time since I saw it but didn't the end of the movie indicate that he had been on Earth all along? The space ship with the original ape ancestors crashed in the distant past and Wahlberg thousands of years later but still long before present day? That;s why when he returned to the present the statue

I envy you. That must have been pretty mind-blowing. No one will ever get to see the movie now without knowing what the ending is.

That cage fight was very Star Trek. You almost hear the music kick in.

1. Shawn of the Dead
2. Hot Fuzz
3. Scott Pilgrim
4. Baby Driver
5. The World's End

I had the same reaction watching the original Ghostbusters. First time I had sat through it in years and I was surprised how poorly it held up. You know what 80s movie I recently rewatched that totally holds up? Big Trouble in Little China.

Finally a faith paradox pays off. Everything's coming up vicious!

So if you spend your life stalking God you'll get into Heaven. I question how healthy this message is.