chibbs vicious

I've not seen Creed. Should I worry?

I hope this doesn't awaken something in me.

Just look at all the bantering with Scarlett Johansson in Civil War, who kicks his ass as Black Widow

I think they still have a very good shot at number one. Spiderman will do well but it's not going to set any records.

Not nearly enough bondage.

I've finally hit the sweet spot there. I'm using my kids as excuses to see all the movies I want to see this summer.

I can't upvote this enough.

Not Robert Downey, Jr good but it's a fair sight more than most people will ever make for just a few months (if that) of work.

Some were less white than others, but I don't want to be a shadist.

Hollow Rastafarian McMaster

Gonna be a whole lot of awful Presidential orders that day.

Christie's career is dune.

Not this guy.

It needed to be on the air for another 20 years to really enter the zeitgeist.

It's a well known fact that babies actually prefer their steak quite rare.

And a bunch of rich assholes who don't want you on their island.

Of course you are.

This review doesn't scream out "C" to me.

First Stranger Things and now this… are we living in the Matthew Modinaissance?

Look, I don't think you're picking up on the basic theme here: ALL SHE WANTS TO DO IS DANCE.