
Don't you ever talk to your mother like that in this house again!

KISS' "Music From 'The Elder'" was inspired by the classic film "The Elder."

Definitely adding "He's a net negative as a person." to my repertoire of bon mots.

The Uncrustables.

The title of this track is a reminder that you could be listening to Gang of Four.

As someone who was in the pit last month at a High On Fire show for such classics as "Devilution," "Fury Whip," and "Frosthammer," it pleases me immensely to learn that this is Mr. Pike's quotidian vernacular.

As someone who thought the first one was a great soundtrack to autumn 09, it upsets me how this one fails to enchant at all. It's like I see through their bag of tricks and end up thinking about how this is just lumpy British kids moping.

As someone who thought the first one was a great soundtrack to autumn 09, it upsets me how this one fails to enchant at all. It's like I see through their bag of tricks and end up thinking about how this is just lumpy British kids moping.

That Shinders has now closed, sadly. They used to sell tickets to first ave shows there… At least you can still get tickets at the Electric Fetus without online markup.

That Shinders has now closed, sadly. They used to sell tickets to first ave shows there… At least you can still get tickets at the Electric Fetus without online markup.