
My name isn’t Brad, and I don’t give a fuck if you’re racist. The point is, every single white person is NOT racist. That only serves to alienate people. But you’re too stupid to realize that anyway.

Those people are making a good point and you’re too stupid to understand it. Either blanket statements about an entire race or OK or if they are not. Fuck your double standards, princess.

When you make a blanket statement about an entire race, it tends to alienate people. Welcome to humanity.

You don’t improve race relations by making blanket statements about an entire race, you stupid fucking moron.

How surprising, when you make a blanket statement about an entire race, members of that race tend to get defensive.

What a surprise, a statement intentionally made to alienate in entire group of people did, in fact, alienate them. Fuck off with your double standards.

“I don’t know how many times this needs to be said, but if you don’t do the shit she’s talking about, THEN SHE’S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU!!!”

It sounds like you’re the one who needs to be coddled. You’re so butthurt that a model got fired.

She didn’t call out white privilege, she made a blanket statement about an entire race. The days of people getting away with that (as long as they only focus on white people) are coming to an end. You don’t get to use your little double standard anymore.

For a guy who makes his entire living on making fun of white women for being white, Michael has surprisingly thin skin himself when it comes to race.

Michael Harriot really seems to dislike women. He focuses on white women, but I think his issue was women in general. Siriously, a disproportionate amount of his articles are used to mock women.

“All white people are racist, except ME.”

How does it feel to hate yourself that much?