
I probably really liked this episode... except for the five minutes with Kenton. Because Kenton sucks. Everytime he reappears it’s like “Again with this guy?”

I did the same thing, here I thought I’d get a nice thank you for bringing his book to him, nope, shotgun to the face.

On my second playthrough it’s all working out.  Fun tip, use Vicars science perks, give him the gloop gun.

I am not playing this game to it's fullest lol.

I recruited Max, diverted power to Edgewater and convinced the a-hole company guy to step down so the other guys would move back with granny in charge. I love all the options in the game. 

Yeeeah I did the exact same thing. Sorry, I ain’t got time for these corporate stooges, I’m liberating the fuck out this bitch.

I shot him. I wanted his hat. So he got the hammer.

He isnt a priest (minor spoiler) his companion quests were fun to reveal his character.

Depends when you do it. if you divert power to the town you can shoot him in the face and replace him the with plant village leader. Just gotta shoot his two guards and your good.

If it makes you feel better, I took the Robophobia flaw before I realized that one of the possible companions was a robot. So now I can’t group with one of my companions unless I want to take some serious hits to my stats. On the bright side, whenever I talk to my robot companion on my ship (and yes even on my ship I

... Did you shoot the deputy?

I fortunately recruited him before I diverted power from Edgewater.  I still shot Dobbs in the face though (after I convinced him to back down....).  That guy was a dick.

Um, I think you’ll find it’s Ma$e, player.


Oh yeah early Todd stuff was hilarious and Vincent Adultman is a treasure whenever he’s on.

I don’t know that it’s meant to be a laugh-out-loud funny show. Its jokes are dry and absurd, rather than guffaw-inducing. Despite the animation and occasional wacky hijinks, I think it’s just too fucking bleak and dark at its core to really even be considered a comedy. 

Yeah for all the talk of emotional payoff and all that, the dull new characters are the real problem. I love Ridley, Boyega, and Isaac, but goddamn: Rey got better in TLJ but I still don’t feel like I know anything about her as a person. Finn is a useless appendage of a character, and Dameron is basically nothing

That sequence with the horses didn’t make me think it was a kids movie, it made me think it was a movie with studio-clusterfucked script that had an extra plotline shoehorned in. 

Why are they introducing so many new characters when it’s the last episode?  We didn’t get that in Episodes VI and III?  And this will be Rey and Kylo’s third duel, hm?  One per movie?  I’ll be there, but not expecting much.  Forty-two years is... man, I feel old.

I loved TLJ, but it really didn't advance the story to a point where I care or even wonder how it's going to end. And bringing the Emperor back seems so fucking stupid. I hope I'm proven wrong.

Do you have to have watched Parts 1-8 to enjoy 9?