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If this is a City Pop sharing thread, let’s not forget Tatsuro Yamashita’s absolute bangers:

If you spend any time exploring NFT communities on Twitter and stuff, you’ll quickly find that it’s just a bunch of artists trying to sell to other artists. Maybe the big projects like those dumb apes sell to “collectors,” but it really does seem like a big scam circle jerk.

I heard about this a month or so ago, before the anti-vaxx news stories started popping up. What I heard was that both Letitia and Danai Gurira were refusing to come back after her injury, since the incident was pretty bad and looked like Letitia might have died. My immediate thought was that the anti-vaxx thing was

I know someone who has owned two of these in a row, moving from the 6cyl to WS6 package. It was his dream car as a kid, and it’s his baby now. He’s also not like, wealthy, so he doesn’t drive it hard, and gripes that tires are expensive, so he’s not doing burnouts or anything. 

Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s a case of too much going on like No Way Home, which...let me just say, has too many goddamn villains. I thought I saw a rumor that Wanda was the villain in Dr. Strange though, which really makes it feel like the movie that pulls together most of the TV stuff.

Oh, trust me, there are plenty of stories of crew dying or getting seriously injured driving home from set after working for days straight, and productions don’t stop.

I wonder how the luxury brands fare. I’ve driven a Honda with the driver assist package, and it’s pretty rudimentary stuff. BMW allows you configure sensitivity and stuff for all their systems, so I wonder if they’re using a more cutting edge or advanced version. Of course, they could all be from the same vendor, for

It’s largely the working hours. The “standard” day is 12 hours, and crews are “supposed” to get a lunch break, but the penalty is only a fine or overtime if the producers refuses to give a lunch break or work them past 12 hours. And the union won’t back you up if you up and leave of your own accord, so you can either

What’s funny is that the documentary in question makes it clear that 4chan wasn’t extreme enough, and that’s why 8chan became the gathering place for Qanon people. 

This isn’t 100% accurate, but a funny comparison might be that this is the “Undercover Brother” for the queer community. 

I saw it in the Before Times, in downtown LA. It’s a good, wholesome show. I’d say the songs are catchy, but I don’t remember any of them at this point. I remember them being fun and catchy, for the most part, though!

Oh, that was the first half of season 2? That...was not clear when I watched it.

Supra is actually more comfortable for tall people than short, I’ve been finding. My girlfriend, who is like 5'4, has a hell of a time figuring out a good seating position where her left leg can reach the dead pedal comfortably. I’m like 6'3 and have no complaints besides the low roofline.

Were you driving a 2020 model, or is the European one limited to the 335HP? The US got the 382HP bump for 2021.

The point isn’t that someone has done this EXACT mutation of the “say hello to my little friend” gag as much as referencing Scarface is just sorta lazy and not funny in and of itself. The writers tried to riff on that joke by making the gun a smaller version of Rick that said “pew pew,” which isn’t like the worst gag

I’m glad the R&M fandom has died down a bit, but it’s funny to see the commenters show up and say “no, you just didn’t GET this part of the episode,” and the others who say “there’s nothing to get, you’re overthinking it.” I’m on the side of the first couple of seasons being marginally better, because it dabbled in

I think you’re not getting that Zack CLEARLY understands the gag is a Scarface reference, but A) Scarface references are a dime a dozen, and B) it’s not a particularly funny riff on the exact reference that everyone makes. Some gags are just played out. As soon as the episode started riffing on Scarface, I thought it

On one hand, I don’t like bloated JRPGs, but on the other, it’s $60, and I’d be disappointed if it was only 20 hours at that price. I think I only justify FPS games because they’re usually a series of highly detailed environments and not backtracking across Shibuya over and over.

The name of the city is Manhattan Beach, not just Manhattan.

I AM an older millennial who grew up in Oklahoma, and I’d never in my life heard the combination of “Sherman” and “Oaks” until I moved to LA. Similarly, nobody I knew had any idea about the locations rattled off in Pulp Fiction, or what the “valley” Marsellus Wallace ain’t got no friends in was supposed to be. These