
I thought the season was very hit or miss, but that one and a few others, like the threesome skit got me. I would mostly say that they haven’t quite figured out how to end their sketches. 

Wikipedia seems to think that this is based on a comic series by Brian Ralph? After looking up the synopsis of those comics, I wonder if any of the producers actually read those books. It sure sounds like they took the “Max Max-style gangs” and “post-apocalypse” bits and tossed the rest out.

This looks like what would happen if the Disney Channel tried to get in on the Walking Dead market, but for teens/tweens.

193...oh, I get it! That’s cute. 

Also, not that anyone cares, but his grip is backwards. A running joke that seems to be prevalent in the Japanese sword arts community is that there are/were no left-handed samurai. That’s not technically true, but right over left is the only accepted way to hold a sword in traditional schools, unless you’re putting

Let’s all be glad whoever was filming didn’t volunteer to play William Tell with the little shit. Not that standing directly in line with him is that much better. I’ve heard some real (second hand) horror stories from people at my dojo about idiots with no training and cheap swords. It’s all fun and games until

What are the chances Netflix actually lets this be a one-and-done scenario? I feel like they’ve probably already renewed it for S2, and we’ll just see some glimpses of Julia, or a flashback where she actually does something earlier on.

The return of both Eddie Murphy AND Wesley Snipes? In a comedy about Blaxsploitation? What a strange, wonderful concept.

At a certain point, if these meatless “meat” patties become widespread and popular enough, their price will drop drastically, and big beef won’t be as necessary for your run of the mill, cheap as humanly possible fast food joint. So give it long enough, and this will be a production cost reduction, and someone will

I mean, the actual vegetarians I know (I just have a recent as of a few years ago Alpha-gal reaction) don’t want something they’re 90% sure has meat contamination. If they can’t verify, that’s one thing, like when certain Indian restaurants put me on the floor due to some lamb getting in the veggie dish, but they’d

I have the Alpha-gal thing, and I’ve had Impossible Burgers before when I could verify that the surface is clean. I can stomach them just fine, but not if they have a bunch of beef juice on them.

Come on, BK. You can’t pull this “it’s vegetarian, except we don’t even bother with avoiding cross-contamination.”

I know someone who worked on it, and I’ve heard that the actress in question (who kissed the guy) has gotten death threats.

Remember, if you hear the first opening theme start to play, you just KNOW the main character is about to start talking about the power of friendship while the big bad stands around saying how impossible it is.

I’ve not watched even a single episode of this show, but I was watching this one over my girlfriend’s shoulder (she had headphones on too, so couldn’t hear). All I saw was a lot of Elizabeth Moss making overly dramatic faces directly to the camera, and at one point, a whole lot of nostril. Then a black lady gets shot

Taking an R-rated movie and turning it into a Saturday morning cartoon is one of those peak ‘80's things, I would say. Complete with making the monsters silly mascots.

I’ve known the guys at Fates for a while, and it’s great to see them getting some acknowledgement. 

More importantly, it’s keeping their trend of sweet-ass soundtracks going. I knew that sounded like Danger.

Nice to see the guys at Fates getting their acknowledgement. I’ve been working with them for a while, and they do good work.

As someone who played E:D for a while, this sounds grueling and unrewarding. I hope they had some secondary form of entertainment going while doing all those jumps and docking/refueling actions.