
Tiff is the superior old man motoring presenter. Get him in, at least to wing Chris Harris (pretty sure you’ve seen Harris’ mythical triple-test).

It’s . . . perfect.

I guess it’s a smart move to slip this in on a Friday afternoon, but man, why not just chop your balls off and mail them to the guy?

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that

I can’t tell if you’re just trolling, or you’ve smashed too many Bud cans on your skull?

I wonder if he can do an Abarth version.

Well I’m sure the money raised by the auction will FAR exceed what it costs Ferrari to build. Let’s just guess it costs Ferrari about $500,000 to produce LaFerrari #500, and the Dubai oil Sheik pays $10M to buy the car he wasn’t originally approved for but just has to have plated in 24k gold. That’s $9.5M more that

Stef you should probably also mention the fact that the #73 was on GTD pole and had the fastest lap in GTD during the race.

“And with the first pick in the 2022 draft, the Dallas Cowboys select...”

We need to get Daniel together with Idris Elba to do a “King of Speed” + Smiling Aussie crossover.

So good. Here you go, I made a .gif!

Please no singing just give me Cash Cab I miss Ben Bailey.

When asked for a comment on the 40th anniversary of his famous crash, Lauda was quick to place blame on Lewis Hamilton.

You may think these kidnappers are smart but they arent. Usually they are uneducated and desperate. These leads to large amount of failures that make the police discover them.

Is it possible that this incident showed Bernie the importance of radio communication?

DAS (anti kidnapp department) here in Brazil is a very competent unit. Since the case was important, I had no doubt they would catch the thieves. 2 were caught and the mastermind are going to be catch also, Its just a matter of time...There is a Brazilian version of COPS here and you can see the are very experienced

Seems like the Brazilian police either did a great job or these particular kidnappers were amateurs. I wonder if Bernie’s position had anything to do with the police solving the case asap.

Everything about McLaren’s factories is Bond-villain secret lair levels of unreal. Always dramatically lit, and so freakishly clean...