
What NASCAR wants is every season to be 1992. But that's not how it always goes, so they create an artificial method of creating drama and nearly choke on it.

Funny, about three weeks ago I saw a T-Rex in Dallas with a Texas motorcycle plate. Wonder how that got a license when neither seat was a "saddle?"

The only good thing about "Black Market" is Bill Duke. Who is totally wasted, dammit.

Wasn't a Lotus; it was an AMC Hornet in "The Man with the Golden Gun."

Or "Tin Man"

It's easier to get to, has better parking options and is close to downtown Dallas. The downsides are a lack of direct DART train access to the terminal and . . . That's about it. Love is a beautiful airport, and with competition from Virgin America it's going to be interesting.

In "The Doctor's Wife" it's specifically stated that The Corsair changed gender at least twice. So it's canon already.

I found out about the Texas Red Bull race the Friday before it happened. No television or radio ads, or billboards-it was through a flyer in the local free tabloid.

He did. Ran into the back of Stewart's car. Stewart then threw his car into reverse and floored it. BK's car had its nose flattened.

I did not realize how heavily he'd hit the tractor. I did know he'd sheared off the rollbar. But watching the video, his car not only goes under the rear of the tractor, striking the counterweight on the back, it also lifts the back end of the tractor up significantly. That he survived (injured or not) is incredible.

So, here's my theory:


Pro: Meridith is a saint for making this show's final days bearable.

That may be but the actual address from the series is nowhere near your description. 444 Industrial Drive is on the south side of Shreveport, off I-49. And sadly, it's an empty field.

And Mark does a spot-on Mansell imitation. The man never won a race without overcoming huge obstacles-in his mind.

The fins behind the rear tires? They direct the air reward smoothly off the tires.

Everything north of Alexandria is West Mississippi, except for Shreveport. That's a Texas annex.

Hellmouth. It has to be.

I didn't realize how much I missed Dr. Ludwig. She really isn't afraid of anything, and she holds grudges for a very, very long time.
