
Meghan Trainor isn’t an actual teenager who somehow escaped church choir?

Every time I read an article from some Boomer complaining about how my generation is self-involved and narcissistic I want to remind them that entertainment pandering to and venerating Boomers is now entering it’s sixth decade.

February 26


Being white definitely hurt her and kept from doing what she wanted, but not in the way that idiot thinks. Her white arrogance got all up in the way to hurt her and keep from doing what she wanted and she still hasn’t learned.

Everything about this adaptation seems lazy. All I keep thinking of is how interesting this remake could have been with, say, a first generation immigrant’s kid who spends his time as a model student balancing the push and pull of his parents’ native cultural expectations and his own American expectations

This adaption seems to understand so little about the source material, it really is hard to give it the benefit of the doubt. Light isn’t a loser and that’s the main point of the story. Losing the rigid social roles of a society like Japan is already a hill to climb, but they could have at least stayed in a similar

I’ve been saying for the better part of two years now why the hell didn’t they just make this a Gaiden/Side Story. Other Death Notes have fallen to Earth in canon, then the Director and Writer wouldn’t be sand bagged by the expectations placed on being an adaption of one of the best manga ever written.

Also, this.

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.

When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

The fact that I scrolled through the comments and all the top ones are questioning Willow Smith is pissing me off and reminding me why I quit commenting over here for 4 months. How many white quirky ass girls do y’all adore who have famous parents? And yet here we are again questioning Willow who actually is quite a

Insufficient interest in Rey or Monopoly?

I know this is eye rolling at something that’s silly, but I’m also eye rolling at this article. If you don’t want to get on board with a theme wedding then don’t go to the wedding. Definitely don’t go to the wedding of “your mom’s best friend’s daughter”. Don’t buy something from the registry if you don’t want to.

*David S. Goyer

In my particular opinion, the greatest result of all this absolute success is that, hopefully, the shitty fingerprints of Zack Snyder will be erased from the DCEU for good. Because I know cocaine is a hell of a drug, but Warner executives would’ve to be beyond lunacy to read all the critics saying the only flaw in the

What a fucknut. No David, it’s not out of bounds to discuss the attractiveness of an actor in a review (unless the actor in question is 11 years old like Watson was, you sick fuck). But it is out of line to carry on about it for the entire fucking review, all the while making extra creepy statements like how Israeli

My friend laughed at me because as the trailers came to a close, I put my hands to my face and whispered/pleaded, “please let this movie be good.”

Also who TF says “coloreds” except maybe doddering grandparents & Benedict Cumberbatch?

In before the debate even gets started.