
More gutted what was left and set fire to the ashes.

I heard this exact rhetoric when I worked in a union. But it was them telling us we need to vote for Obama.

I always suggest Mazdas to people that are looking for cheap-ish commuter cars. They are basically Americas version of Ford’s sold in Europe. They are all kinda good to drive, and the 3 with the manual makes a very good, thought underpowered, track day/ rallycross car.

I won’t give him credit as the only one saying this about EVs, but he’s not wrong. But not for the reasons people think. The only reason humans are still assembling cars is because of they way they are designed. Mostly the interiors, but many other parts as well still can’t be assembled with robots. But EVs open the

Not really on national news, but I did just come out of a meeting about automating a process at my job.

No does that mean something?

Yes. You are correct being underpaid at an at will job is so much worse than loosing a loved one to a terrorist attack on one of our largest cities.

Having worked with the UAW yes, yes I believe they would sacrifice a few people for the cause. Hell the pettiness I experienced makes me think one member wouldn't cross the street to spit in another members face, if that members face was on fire. Not sure which personality banging around in your head read my statement

It’s barely been mentioned here in Arizona. I actually only know about it because I signed up for a few training classes at ABB in Auburn Hills. 

I may have missed a memo or 12, but I always thought this was the idea for chargers in the middle of nowhere, or along major highways. The infrastructure should already be there and there's extra amenities. 

White the way the public is ignoring this strike, who else thinks the driver might be a UAW member looking for some headlines?

I know smoking dulls the senses (especially the cognizant, because, you know, smoking) but there's no fucking way this idiot didn't smell propane in that car. 

Maybe try cutting the Adderall pills in half then?

What you have here is the perfect enthusiasts car. For the enthusiast that really doesn’t care what other people think.


You could avoid all of this by beginning these types of articles with, so the other day after I power chugged a litre of vodka, I had an idea.

If I had a quarter mill to just piss away for a publicity stunt sure, maybe. It’s not like this car will get any cheaper in the future.

I'm guessing you don't understand context or intention. 

Just picture an Oakland resident calling 911 in the morning, while trying to leave for work. Yeah , you won’t believe it, but someone stole my car (while they are pulling out of the ground all of their carefully placed defund the police placards and placing them into their neighbors recycling bin, because theirs was

It's kinda hard to break things when all the engine needs to run is three wires, and when most of it is already broken.