
I actually really like this era of Mustang. The 2011ish ones I mean. 2018 interior is definitely better, but the older front end is more, I don’t know, “Mustangy.”

When this bill first passed, there were some articles floating around in the days immediately after saying this and that major company were icreasing wages or paying out bonuses. I can actually speak to one of those companies personally as I work there, but in nearly every case, that news was flat out wrong as:
A: no

Just read the original story — he did 90 over. That’s definitely license-revoking and jail time territory there.

This thought really disappoints me. Everything else about the cars is reasonably well styled. Although I think it does work on the LC500, I don’t want the predator face on a new LFA.

Ah yes, the LAPD, a bastion of liberalism.

$18,500 is the max contribution for a 401k

First gear: nothing depreciates like the time and money you spend modifying a car.

Her whole house looks like a trashed meth lab, everyone is a “free spirit” until this shit show shows up next to your house, its not like its plastic flamingo or a mailbox that looks like manatee or something like that, its a fucking car chained into a tree, and people are don’t understand why some people might have a

How much you wanna bet the arborist wasn’t standing anywhere near the tree, not even on the sidewalk? You’re dead if a branch gives way.

I’m sure the arborist is excellent at trees....however determining if a large beetle will fall out of a tree in a violent storm...not so much.

Just a question, do you own a house?

I can stand Torchinsky’s take on these (along with his idiotic car suggestions)...if you want to do this kind of crap then live out in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. If you want to live next to people, be respectful.

Arborist to inspect the car in the tree to be sure it was stable..

God forbid you show some humanity for people who may or may not agree with your political, social, or religious views.

FCA is about to announce they’ve changed their name to Fiat Chrysler Blockchainmobiles.

The list has 3 things:

Not sure what the point of this article is. Is it somehow noteworthy that it is not easy to sell many items of a certain model when that model is no longer made?

highways have to get plowed too buddy

Many rural/suburban towns don’t have government run waste management, it’s run by a private party. This means added costs to that company in equipment and insurance costs.

And you got Hurricane Harvey. And fire ants. And crazy rednecks.