
So if I don’t support Hillary or Trump but I did support Bernie, I am a Bernie Bro? When the Bernie Bro narrative started it was reserved for male Sanders supporters who bullied Hillary supporters with sexist comments online but now it has been broadened so much that it loses all meaning which is why it is so damn


Johnson wants a consumption tax, to abolish the department of Education, wants the federal government to stay out of climate change, supports the TPP and global trade, wants to raise the retirement age, and wants a return to market solutions for healthcare. This is not what the majority of Americans want.

You are assuming that I am a Hillary supporter.

The republicans don’t really need to hide anything because their supporters do not care.

I defer back to my original post. Multiple things have to occur in order for something like this to happen. You need a willing toddler who acts just as the parents and onlookers are looking at something else. Time and exposure are not always an indicator of plausibility especially when the variables are thinking

At the end of the day a barrier protecting gorillas was penetrated by a toddler in moments. Unless the parent threw the kid over it, I fail to see why poor parenting matters.

I don’t think that is true. I am pretty sure that zoos are responsible for protecting animals and humans. By allowing exhibits that humans can enter, you are not protecting the animal.

That is a common logical misstep. In order for the child to have fallen into the enclosure several common events had to have occured simultaneously: the mom looked away for a second, the kid wanted to get in the enclosure, the kid crawled through the gate (people keep saying over but there are huge gaps in the fence

The kid said something about wanting to swim with gorillas. Kids say lots of crazy stuff and rarely try. The fact remains, a 3 year old should not be able to penetrate a gorilla enclosure in moments regardless of the quality of parenting.

Would you throw your own child under a bus to save a rare gorilla?

I was born in 1978 what are you on about. I remember the 90s. I was in high school at the beginning of it and graduated in 1996 and was active in leftist politics (I remember Bill bombing Al-Shifa in 1998). I joined 75,000 people in DC to protest the invasion of Afghanistan and I joined 100,000 people later to protest

37. Why?

Why didn’t they attack her on real things like NAFTA, TARP, the TPP, fracking, the keystone XL pipeline, the patriot act, her support for US-led regime changes like the US bombing of Belgrade in 1999, the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Iraq War in 2003, the Honduran coup in 2009, the killing of Libya’s Muammar

That is what the tarp is for. Haven’t you seen The Martian yet?

Physicist with an interest in economics.

“Is there country that meets your definition of socialism that isn’t controlled by the communist party?”

I will give it a go since in my opinion the other two answers were not right. Socialism simply means that the means to produce are democratically managed by communities. It comes in many flavors and names and sometimes the labels are so close that they might as well be the same thing, left-libertarians, anarchism,

You are not describing a socialist country. You are describing a social democratic capitalist state. In a socialism the means of production are democratically managed by the people rather than by private interests. There are many different flavors, anarchists (with its own subdivisions), communists (believe in using