
Overlooking that he then called him Colon Klein.

Sometimes relationships just don't work out. Two people mold or don't. That simple. Based off what I read, you two clearly did not mold (at all). It seems like you two didn't get along and had past transgressions way before D3 was even played. You cheated and he cheated. That's probably the main root of the problem

Well that's just depressing.

"Very easy" in the sense of starting the game on Legendary. I should've clarified that because now I look like an ass. The game was NOT easy at all. Guarding Cortana's door, fighting that last spire to get to the Didact, and walking up the stairs (after the admittedly easy part of closing the hangar doors) to have two


D: "Who is your favorite mythical figure?"

You're talking out of your ass so much I can't even begin to speak.

That final jump to get to the Didact...Who would've thought a Knigith would spawn with the cannon right in front of me?

Since I'm not a punk, I solo'd Legendary from the start. Very easy, but guard your own damn door, Cortana.

PSN charges you tax. You'd have to buy a 50 dollar card if you're buying a movie on PSN.


Thank you. By the way, I loved your reaction after the 'Hawks won it all a couple years ago. I had the same kind too, man.

If you could have a one-on-one matchup against any defenseman in history, who would it be?

Quest: Stop ?? Return Man from running it back. Must. Stop.

Now playing

Here's Bruce singing another pre-Bruce song and forgetting a verse!

This might be the worst set of management for a video game I've ever seen.

I took my dad to a Blackhawks game up in Dallas a couple years ago for Father's Day. He'd been pretty happy to see them win the cup in 2010 since he had last, and only, seen it in '61 and I decided to pick him up some tickets the following season. So we went and I had no idea how many people in Dallas would actually

Pretty sure that Ray Guy was the most clutch punter ever.