
Sucks to hear about all that shit, yo. Your last line sums it up about right.

See that building over there? You can climb it.

" 'E's lucky that one wasn't picked awph."

That was incredible despite being laced with Half-Life references.


Only awareness of your surroundings will beat that.

I think the best commentary has been in the NHL games as of late.

Gabe Newell could probably shoot a two and a half hour video of a mayonnaise jar and the internet would hail it as a revolution of mankind.

Oh yeah. Awesome. Like that one QTE fight where you can't lose. Or that one time when the super yeti picks you up, and you waste all of your ammo trying to kill him. Then the devs realized that you can't kill it with just one clip, so you just magically have unlimited ammo despite it saying 0/0 on the reader? Oh yeah.

Completely agree with you on this one, Doc. I don't play games to experience a film-like atmosphere, I play games to play a game. When you half ass gameplay/story with suspenseful cutscenes and nice visuals, you're not making a good game.

Now playing

Maybe it'll be Simms's intro from Inside the NFL.

It was so bad.

It will happen again. Then I can finally update my avatar with the picture of Craig Steltz's second NFL interception.

Lines I'll miss:

I was at GameStop for four years, and one day they just sent us some random training video to remind us of our jobs.

Also: This.

Yes, it fucking does.

I have nothing better to do with my time. You know this.

There's the obligatory/daily "NO INTEREST IN HALO WHATSOEVER" post by Archaotic.

Minty. My set was always better than yours.