
Don't worry. One day when we do win. Time will stop.

For what it's worth, LeBron does what Peja did about 99% of the time he's in the paint.

It'd be great if someone pointed to a scoreboard for a replay only to receive a red card.

Cards fans are never realistic.

Fuck the Cardinals.

My body aches from the Bulls loss...

I agreed with you on everything you said sans FFXII. You know all FF's suck after VI.

Is a good planet.

NBC loses it's largest helipad as well with the departure of Dick's forehead.

This guy with the characters refers to my previous comment in this thread.

Awesome. Alan Wake was pretty phenomenal.

Don't worry. You'll still have 80% of the know it all's of the world on their high horses stinkin' up BF3. Solution for both games? No mic.

Mudslinging incoming from 90% of the comments.

The fuck would more hacking solve aside from your fanboyism? "Like it should?"

No. It clearly said "Box Scores."

I think what I made was a joke.

Maybe you all should invest in a goaltender instead of some tall asshole everyone fucking hates.