Chewbacca Abercrombie

Mario games are some of the best examples of games not having to make sense, but still be awesome. They're also the games I point out to get people to realize how gloriously batshit Japanese people can be and how awesome that is. Mario gets a leaf that gives him a raccoon tail and ears and that means he can fly? Picks

I loved Bulletstorm. It was so much fun and so different than other FPS's. It was incredibly stupid and didn't make a whole lot of sense, but that is why it's the perfect example of what you're talking about. I wish they would just make the second one they were thinking of making. Or just throw gameplay mechanics from

Thrustmaster? Seriously? That's the one that comes with the mask with a zipper for a mouth and a riding crop, right? If not I refuse to buy it!

Is the controller finally comfortable? That's what I care about most right now. The old PS controllers (which I use for PC because I don't have a corded Xbox controller) make my hands hurt after playing anything for a couple hours. When I finally get around to buying a new system, I'll probably get a PS4, but if the

Finally!!! I have never seen Ghost and don't watch much TV and wouldn't watch this, but finally!

Bingo! Wait… I'm not sure I'm playing this right.

Well ol' Timmy Burton has already remade every other movie in existence, was only a matter of time before he started remaking his own. Frankenweenie and now an almost certainly disappointing sequel to one of his best movies (now with 100% more Johnny Depp I'm assuming.)

I really liked Shadows of the Damned. I thought it was fun. I especially liked the getting rid of the darkness with fireworks and some of the cool bosses. I started a playthrough on the hardest difficulty awhile back, but I have so many other games that distract me from playing it.