Chewbacca Abercrombie

This week I finally started playing Apotheon again and finished it. I originally got it a couple years ago free on PS+ and played it for about an hour and never touched it again. It’s not a terrible game, but killing a buncha Greek gods would probably be more fun if the combat wasn’t as wonky as it is.

I just finished Epistory which was kinda fun. It’s an exploration game where you type words to destroy things and fight enemies. The art style is pretty nice, everything looks like it’s made out of paper. I may not have liked it as much as I did, but there are many points in the game where you have to fight waves of

I usually remember the unwinnable fight from one of the Mega Man games, I think it may have been X.

Everything looks so different here. I’ve been away too long. Change frightens me so. I’ve been playing a bunch of games and finishing few of them.