
Well at least you communicate with your co worker the author seems to just shut down and leave the room. I also work with a bunch of trump voters and they know where I stand politically (center left , Hillary voter). And usually we have good conversations even though I have no intentions in changing minds instead my

You might of partied a little too hard

Yeah this author needs to hurry up and get himself fired. I’m sure being miserable at work is fucking up other aspects of his life

I think the author has such a shitty attitude that even if there was another Hillary suppprter in his office they would probably still dislike him

Damn nice response. Btw I starred the tears comment because it was funny but I love an awesome comeback setup like this one

Keep coming with the new things I’m enjoying this

Let it be Grayson Allen tripping someone and they make damn sure to talk shit about him

Glad the school is getting shut down. There is no way anyone with decency could defend this behavior

Wtf that was horrible. Why such a fluff piece. After he KO the guy(which fine shit happens) he tries to decapitate the guys head with a power stomp

Dude if he didn’t learn by elementary school that the earth is round then maybe this whole Betsy Devos thing won’t be much of a change

Hey now don’t take away from the narrative deadspin is trying to make

is this getting mad about how much attention the travel ban got? Because the Tamir Rice murder got just as much attention and so did Michael brown, Eric garner, Trayvon martin and countless other black men that were killed.

Just isolate her rack......

My co workers are dead set she is illumanati, what ever the fuck that means

I’m no fan of beyonce but fuck was that a stupid statement to make

Oh shit

I’m as moderate as they come. But dammit Hamilton your so freaking right. For the longest our country has been pushed right for so long that the center is now considered the left. We need someone to push out government more left that way we can have a true middle. I know the analogies might not be perfect but that’s

Sounds like commies if you ask me

Getting mad at people for being wealthy in a legitimate way sounds pretty far left to me. I’m not a conservative either more of a moderate who calls out bullshit articles like this

Is there any laws against trees that obstruct your view. I’ve noticed some intersections made more difficult because of trees and shrubbery blocking my view, and god forbid someone is speeding and I get T-boned