Hey atleast people like children
Hey atleast people like children
I’m hoping this is sarcasm
Don’t forget the guy that signs his check is ole Jerry Richardson
Don’t get mad the panthers were made to stand by Jerry Richardson last week. He was like “ stand for it boy”
Everybody needs to chill with the nationalism
Robert Mugabe, duterte, kim Jong un want to have a word with your
You can tell that person has never went to a baseball games
OK Amy Schumer.
Old man from the south has the expected response.
Hell no straight black men don’t have it easier. You know when people are being racist they usually picture a black Man. Their scared of black men to the point that some cops kill a black man in a heart beat. They lock black men in prison by the boat load and they drop you outta school in a minute. Black men and…
Must be new to the root and it’s shit dumpster fire articles that are clearly picked up from communist propaganda. This website view everything between oppressed and the oppressor. And everything is fair when blasting the “oppressor” in this case black men
Nah he probably acted really white growing up in his middle class life with middle class kids. But when he went to college he decided to change his persona into a useful idiot for the far left. And now he writes for this blog website while after work he is locking his car door when he sees a group of black teens…
It’s Marxist influences are clear.
Really. Highest rate incarcerated. Highest high school drop out rate and the list can go on. Fuck you. And fuck The Root for this far left bullshit article
Oh yeah. We are splitting up more and more over bs
It would be more like “que pendejadas”
How did that go with your family? I bet they hate your wife.
And your point is......
That’s every minority group. I’m Latino so it’s more like 3/4 of my family is racist and the few who go to college aren’t
What is that? Anyways I don’t buy into intersectionalism because of shit like this. I’m Latino and the most racist shit I’ve heard have come from latinos toward blacks and I’ve heard the same from black people.