
Referring to a man or woman as boy or girl is incredibly disrespectful

Get that logic outta here

I’m sure there would be a buzzfeed list of a man called a women girl.

No your actually super duper white, who happens to be Jewish

Hey rich your a white boy too

That’s where i stand too. This bored suburban cop thought he was trying out for the navy seals

Considering the racist man who will be president is from New York the north can’t act like they are better

Dude is soft as fuck. How can you be over 7 ft and not grab ten boards

*love the gays

Jezzies think all POC are super woke people who the gays. When in fact we are just like the rest of the country and can be bigoted against different people

I’m sure this isn’t the first time some pastor spewed out homophobic shit before in that church


It’s not an apology so maybe we should quit forcing people to apologize for things they really meant

Idk you’ll be suprised. Common enemy can unite people at times

She should read the part of the Bible thats says the women head is a man. But no just pick and choose the parts to attack others for your convenience

You think that’s bad you should check Donna Brazile interim head of the DNC.

This guy is fucking scary as hell

Self hating gay man is a fucking myth. Dude became self radicalized by visiting many pro Isis websites and then swore allegiance during his bloodbath massacre. Seriously this is why we keep losing election after election!

Just blame the Russians ?

How about not wearing a chain in a tackle football game