
About the requesting of the change of time to fit you, Last summer I planned a trip with 3 guys all of which were the only ones who thought a guy’s trip was a good idea, not a pipe dream like the others in our group. We planned everything, the amount of days, the dates themselves, the location, the rental car, etc.

To the guy from Wisconsin, it’s not a Yankee thing, we all hate back woods racists, even us southerns!

I used to think people who sat out were diva’s, but after watching Butt get hurt, I will never question someone sitting out of a meaningless bowl game!

He sucks, ask any islander fan.

Why wasn’t every question “Whose a good boy!?!”????

This is one of the best stadiums in football from an ascetic perspective, if not the best. I would take small issues like minor leaks over Metlife in New York any day of the week!

In economics we call it an oligopoly. It’s sad, but what are you going to do? Oh that’s right pull an under armor and start your own shoe company and break down the doors in your way.

There’s an old theory in sports, once you see what you want out of a prospect, you stop all contact and practice until after the draft so that no one else finds out how good they are.

Liberal ideas such as rewarding Jenner with the courage award didn’t bring down the company. They overpaid for sports that they thought would continue to have success. The problem is the NBA isn’t exciting during the regular season, No one really wanted college football to have a playoff system because like we are

Uhhh he only makes 800K. He’s giving these kids 26K in scholarships for in state players, and 43K for out of state players. Which will on average pay you 51K a year which is 22K more a year than just a high school diploma which only gets you 28k a year.

Danny Kannell was the only one besides Mark May who was actually good at their job. The rest sucked and were usually homers. Bad Move ESPN!

When did Obama join the Military?

When Trump won Michigan, WV, and Penn. I knew the Democrats had completely lost touch with their core voters!

I am always lost on this. I don’t know anyone who voted for Trump who is that unhappy. I’m college educated as is everyone in my family, none of us making over 100K so it’s not like we hang out with rich snobs. I just think Democrats want to point out his flaws and try to convince Trump voters they should be mad.

Am I the only one bothered by the fact that Trump doesn’t button his jacket while standing?

At least he isn’t being photographed eating ice cream every 5 seconds...

Hoya Paranoia? More like Georgia Paranoia!

:Insert Funny Caddy Shack reference based on her last name here:

Yeah must be easy...

I feel bad that he did what appeared to be the right thing to get the fab 5 and then some guy in the background screwed it all up for him.