Praise God for the V and the happy trail.
Praise God for the V and the happy trail.
Right out of "The Story of O."
It’s easy to cynically point at all the failings of American democracy. But the one thing that will never cease to amaze me, and that I will never stop reminding myself is unique and incredible in the history of government, is the American transition of power. Like, there’s no subterfuge or questions or violence or…
Man, I’ve always switched the station when “Fight Song” comes on the radio, but I finally watched that video they made today and I was tearing up and goosebumping like crazy at my desk.
When she came out, dressed all in white like a fucking angel coming to save us from Donald Trump, my heart just seized up in joy.
PHILADELPHIA — On Thursday night, we joined thousands and thousands of people in Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Arena to…