Me Mongo

you coulda just said Irish guy. the rest is implied.

looks like a desert battlefield, which is unfortunate, because you know...sand gets everywhere.

is that him in the pic, or did you guys just insert the results of your “old white male condescending douche bag look” google image search.

Even gay retards believe ND is going to get reamed. 

What about Reuben far as I can tell, the Redskins picked him up immediately. i think that is still his current status

according to the interwebs.....December Saturday games have been a part of the schedule every season since 1970, except for 2013.

....or scrubbing yer pits with a brisket ?

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Pepperidge farms remem....err..I remember the whole MNF phenom late 70s/80s....What I recall the most is that is was so special b/c it was the only prime time game. Aside from the two games on Thanksgiving, i am unable to recall (and too lazy to look it up) games other than on Sunday.

Just the way Stanley would’ve done it !

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Seriously, check out the “effort” by Parker and Cook(78 & 87) to try and pursue T Sizzle. Clearly, they have given up.

too lazy to look up, wasnt that the game where McMahon came off the bench and his first 3 passes were TDS. I know his first Willie Gault if memory serves. 

Most world cup group stage matches - naps. Nod off after a solid 5 minutes of non-action and soft conversation, wake up refreshed 2 hours later to non-action and soft conversation. 

The Cat who could drive a car. 

I was gonna say that.

Picard: the leader we want.

Me Mongo, his ass laughing off.

I used to enjoy watching MNF at bars with the QB1 setup. For those who dont know, QB1 predated the internet-fantasy football explosion but still provided some game interaction. You’d get a device that allowed you to predict plays and certain TVs in the bar showed everyone’s score in real time. And of course, there

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I see your MP Sketch and raise you a Wade Blasingame

Rams - Pats Super Bowl has a great ring to it.

Splash Hits starring Barry Bones