Me Mongo

naw...i was deliberately vague.

Reno was the no brainer. You couldnt double my pay to live in Vegas. sorry, I grew up on the coast and we used to melt if we played football in 80 degree (or hotter) weather. seriously, we were wimps.

Reno would be the choice for me !

great point. All these Nor Cal casinos had to have an effect on Reno.

testify ! Ask yourself this...If you had to live in Nevada, which would it be, Reno or Las Vegas. its a no brainer !

*and a Charlie Sheen thing.

Norcal resident here, and if I had to move, I’d seriously consider it for the reasons you mention. I’m not into gambling, but the access to spectacular outdoor activities is great !

Or... Boss wants you gone and tells IT guy to start monitoring internet activity. That’s a fun one

Once worked with a day trader... Our firm was in engineering, nothing to do with personal finances, anyway, I was testing some internet blocking software and one day I flipped the switch, as it were, and watched him freak the fuck out. The best part was watching him try to navigate the how to convince the boss he was

its a massive vehicle made for long journeys, and there

Off topic.... That USBank stadium is awesome. That natural light is spectacular.

you forgot: Spanos Family: earning interest.

I could put all these out on our kitchen counter as seduction suggestion , and my wife would probably youre saying in fat ! !

Datz only in da mornin...u supposed to be making breakfast.

Yes and they don’t have as many holes to exploit as Solo does.

Vacuums are probably engineered better than 1985 Chevettes.

Damnit, I have a right to sue for uninspired craptastic entertainment ! fuck me., You know you’ve reached the nadir when you’re pissed off you missed something worse than the pro bowl.

I cant believe the SIZE of this pedant.

you may have options with your local land use ordinance(s). dont know if you’re land use code enforcement folks are all that diligent, but there are typically limits to the types of businesses that can be run out of a house...and generally, automotive repair is not one of them...not the least of which has to do with