Me Mongo

You know how at some aquariums you can walk “through” the aquarium with the glass almost totally surrounding you, so sharks and tuna are over your head, around you...

Trump Shit Area

you’ve decided to become...a bum.

Now playing

Well if its burning, there’s only one thing left to do....

Even the jungle gets gentrified.

silently slow nodding...knowingly...gif

Now playing

counterpoint, get yourself into some the good Wiggles....won’t burn a hole in your brain:

there’s a convo in that ramblin’. what is the perfect combination of adoption and age to maximize your youthful wild ways and also get the most out of golden years.

so if he did one of those hand stand walk abouts on the field, what then ?

Lynyrd Skrillex ?

What if I told you, bloated, neck sweaty sportcoat-on-short sleeve wearing bloviating mofos still did NFL broadcasts .....

The Padres kind of have that effect.

Mr. Hochuli is a well respected official who has given his best years of service to the NFL.

redacted. wrong day.

Get her a body bag, YEEEAAAAAAHHHH !

because of the forced perspective or looks like he’s pitching from a little league field.

Does this have relation to Gobbler’s Knob ?

i should have clarified...this was in the best man’s speech.

I have been to poultry farms. Between the rotting, foul, fowl corpses and the shit piles of piss soaked manure, its basically a plague of flies.