Me Mongo

HFS, I just now noticed you name dropped Real Genius. Fucking GRADE A movie. How stupid is this, I based all my expectations of college (engineering grad here) on 3 movies: Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House and Real that’s what I thought college would be like and honestly....not too far off. We partied,

ok I am weird....

I always watch this when its on...but I have one question....

Cheese and Rice, Sark and Collins...?!

or maybe there’s hope of redemption, and they could be each other’s sponsors. sorry, I come here for the snark, but every so often I get sidetracked.

no, sorry if I was cryptic. he’s done a lot of famous noteworthy movies/roles...including Goodfellas....Taxi Driver...The Deer Hunter. I mean, Bob DeNiro is the shit. Hell, I’ll even throw Midnight Run in there...its one of my favorites. But he’s done a lot of stinkers too.

my wifes uncle gets up at 3/3:30 everyday.

Joan Rivers ?

This !

Hey smart ass, you’re fucking eco-clock dosent work for me up here in the Northwest Territories.

how can this still make me LOL 20 years later, after a bazillion views, fuck...I even own the series on DVD.


apropos of nothing.... Why da fuq is old Ben ghosting at the end of ROTJ but young Anakin gets his mug in there ? Why not put in Jake Lloyd (mug shot JL from his DUI, not TPM Jake Lloyd..hehe) in there or young Obi Wan ?

fucking A, at what point do we stop propping up Goodfellas, the Godfather II, Casino, Heat, Raging Bull and start vilifying DeNiro for the utter crap he also puts out. Doesnt he have enough money ? certainly aint doing New Years Eve for the craft.

my wife and i once stayed with some friends in the Sierra Nevadas...we went to Mono Lake, other wife took some of the pumice or tuft or whatever those odd formations are made out of...her eco-conscious husband shamed her on it....which would have been a rather pedestrian story, but then she went fucking ballistic.

Manning’s got the postseason experience

Strychnine take me away !

look, I love J.E. Jones, but for fuck’s sake, Lucas coulda hired this guy for 40 acres and a mule and improved that scene.