Me Mongo

I...........dont know. I mean, I spent 20 bucks on a razor and 40 bucks on cartridges and got a helluva shave.

I...........dont know. I mean, I spent 20 bucks on a razor and 40 bucks on cartridges and got a helluva shave.

Yep. He always seemed in control and on it. Well, most of them are..except for Triplett. Anyway, from the booth...or wherever they patch him in from...

The fuck is Mike Carey talking about?

I’ll join you. While I hated the PT, a few months ago I read a one paragraph plot synopsis of TFA (which I have forgotten, and that was the point) and I liked the arc. It seemed straightforward and competent with lotsa potential. Good lord if they get bogged down again by the legacy of Star Wars and trying to be more

yes. good point Mr. President, and while we’re picking away at the PT, what would have been so bad with those two really secretly disliking each other from the start in AOTC. We could make 1,000 improvements to that turducken triology, this is just one.

Is there a word/name for those of us particular about our writing instruments ? I am and always have been pen/mech pencil loyal. When I find one I like, I stick with it and will search the office with a rifle and team of bloodhounds if someone walks off with it. I have a couple of Sensas but for day to day use stick

Is there a word/name for those of us particular about our writing instruments ? I am and always have been pen/mech

This is awesome, dude in bugundy shirt is my gyro.

i dont care this post is 1.5 years old, love it ! This is gold, Jerry, GOLD !

“See. We are same. I am like American news reporter.”

But are you elite ?

poor families drive them to nice neighborhoods that are safe too.

My parents were cheapskates. One time when I was 12, they underbought handout candy for our neighborhood and we ran out at about 7pm...okay, maybe they weren’t cheapskates and just misjudged the number of trick-or-treaters we’d see (although for my h.s. graduation, I got an iron...a fucking iron, what 18 year old

water use shaming in Ca is a thing.

Hi we’re the Mexican national soccer team, and we have direct TV.

Next time he goes to his favorite restaurant, he’s paying the bill !

WTF was Beckerman doing on the gamewinner ? Beasley ...bad, but anyone whose been watching Beckerman over the past few matches can see he is not of the caliber required to beat the big teams.

When playing with bears, always protect your balls

nice goin asshole, you just broke my dont-give-a-shit meter.

Blue shirt gal makes sure her selfie had two pickets to Titsburgh.