To tell the truth, all men have done th...HFS !!!! The pork shoulder thing. Nevermind, your kids will not survive....or....they will be the mightiest kids who ever survivded childhood !
To tell the truth, all men have done th...HFS !!!! The pork shoulder thing. Nevermind, your kids will not survive....or....they will be the mightiest kids who ever survivded childhood !
My shit for brains roommate once made some sort of casserole/bean dish on the gas stove. I get up in the morning, the casserole, sauce pan is in the sink....the food was eaten, whatever....the gas burner still burning. I often think that is the closest I came to death. It was a 2 room apartment and I slept with my…
I read it as obvious sarcasm.
whoa whoa whoa, you obviously have not seen his Gilette commercials. Brody brings it..every.time. also, does all of his own shaving, so there.
that IS hilarious. I love it. haha. kids are awesome.
Yup, we got a winner.
Ay Carumba ! Can we snag him up for the USMNT ?!?!?!?!
Intellivision Football.
Somewhat mom is buried right next to Jr. Seau. And my teams played were demolished singlehandedly by his teams him growing up. I see his grave everytime I pay my mom a visit. Its a real bummer.
Does his turn in Wild at Heart count ?
Oh sure, Universal Hollywood opts for Harry Potter fucking Land when they could have gone for Roadhouse land. Think about that awesome-ness.
The actual script reads:
And don’t forget “Pain don’t hurt” unless you’re getting your ass handed to you by an ex-prison rapist...then that shit stings as evidenced by the pains on Dalton’s face. I love how no one ever calls him on that Pain Don’t Hurt bullshit.
Well, obviously, you’re not an American.