chesty copperpot

Colonial-era religious luminaries like Cotton Mather and his finger-wagging compatriots are the reason why the Establishment Clause (the “freedom of (or from) religion” part of the First Amendment) was written. The Founders knew damn well the ongoing problems with “official” religions or close ties between church and

I believe the test is to weigh the woman. If she ways as much as a duck, she’s a witch, because witches float, and ducks float. It’s logical.

This is a great piece for these dark days. Nathaniel Hawthorne did despise Cotton Mather, and flagellate him regularly in his writings- but he was a descendant of John Hathorne, who presided over much of the Salem witch trials. He felt strongly enough about it to change the spelling of his name, yet lived his life in

Might I recommend the Mutter Museum gift shop for the...oddball? your life?

Some deranged meatbag drove a truck through a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France you daft cockwomble.

I loooooooove the MFA in boston for people who are hard to shop for. I also get people memberships to the museums in their cities based on their interests.

I love museum gift shops nearly as much as I love museums.

Don’t be sorry. You’re right. As if we are protesting the guy who won The Voice or something. This is a presidency! It affects actual fucking lives!

I really hate this “we won, get over it!” It’s not a football game- this shit is real. We have to face real concerns. The system is set up to allow and encourage dissent and compromise!

I think the bigger problem with Dangerous Woman is the problem with every single Ariana Grande song where she’s trying to be all seductive. As soon as it comes on I feel like a dirty old man leering at a 10 year old.

One of the most interesting figures in US history. Great article.

Counter-counterpoint: 24K Magic is Uptown Funk without the things that made Uptown Funk great.

After all, Republicans have spent the last eight years providing us with such a great example of maturity and acceptance.

An additional 15 minutes of fame?

It isn’t! Never has someone so obviously talented (Bruno Mars) had so many bland fucking boring pop songs.

“We won”? What did Scott Baio win, again?

Barf Mitzvah

Yes, to every song (minus Adele) on this list and the lucky ones (i.e. This is What You Came For) who didn’t make it.

“Hello” is a fucking atrocious song. My wife adores all of those massive hits off of 21, but we soon started a thing where we say “Goodbye” and change the station as soon as Adele recites that first “hello.”

I guess they thought it was “counter programming.”