ChestRockwell24 .

It seems like people are really stretching to try to make the ad not of been made by Don. I don't get why. The intent and editing of the episode seems quite clear. Don is doing yoga and hippie things and is all zen and finding peace and happiness..then we cut to a commercial with people singing about peace and

Also someone replied and said Greg raped her. The comment is gone, but I am going to address that anyways: she was raped and that was AWFUL and she should of dumped him right then and there.

I also can't help but feel sorry for Henry. We all know Betty will not do the right thing and confess to him how she betrayed him and cheated on him with Don. She will die and he will forever think she had actual love and respect for him. She is utterly selfish and content to take that vital information he deserves

I like how Joan calls Greg terrible even though she cheated on him with another man and tried to trick him into raising a baby that wasn't his. HILARIOUS.