Chestnuts roasting on a new burner name

This is the Trump sucks thread.

God, I hope so. This bit killed me:

Pissing off Martin Baron was a pretty bad idea on his part, too. But yea, imagine if the press (other than WaPo, for the most part) had actually been doing their jobs and digging into his past for the last two years. We might never have had to deal with him this long.

It’s easy to imagine Hillary Clinton wiling the evening away with some close friends, laughing over champagne over all of this mishegoss.

It’s a distinct possibility. This kind of stuff really, really does not play well in Utah. There’s a reason all of those folks rushed to repudiate him over this, because they know their supporters will remember where they stood on it.

In my fever dreams, which are apparently coming true today.

I care. Also check out Ken Burns’ segment tonight with Lawrence O’Donnell. Gave me chills. He did a doc on them on currently on Netflix that he said is pushing to get re-aired on PBS and work some sort of free download deal. There’s a whole bunch of angry History nerds that won’t let this drop.

If it makes you feel better, he didn’t actually apologize for anything he did, just that people could hear him say it.

One million quatloos to any mainstream media that writes a fact check on Donald’s statement that if you are a star, you can grab a woman by the pussy.

Glad it was leaked. This cover was meant to happen.

It pisses me off that NOW people are coming out of the woodwork to say Trump is despicable. He has a proven track record as a misogynist. He’s made disgusting comments previously. But oh, this? This cannot stand! Gtfo, GOP.

Oh fuck you NBC, you’re the ones who foisted him on us in the first place, giving him legitimacy even when he was pulling his birther nonsense. You know they must have unaired footage of him in the Apprentice board room saying offensive things about women, where is that? The contestants said it happened and there’s

I don’t really give two fucks who leaked it. Doesn’t change the fact that this oompa-loompa ass clown would think that saying this out loud would seem like a good idea. Doesn’t matter who’s company you’re in.

“Trump has since responded by blaming Bill Clinton.”

god bless the wapo

We’re seeing why Clinton and her campaign were saying they’d be “thrilled” if Trump was the GOP nom. They had decades of stuff to go through, and they can release it at regular intervals so that he’s constantly having to spin things.

I hate to break it to you, but even after he loses, he’s already working on lining up his next career as a Glenn Beck-type bilking seniors for monthly subscription fees to “Trump TV” where they can watch web videos of him ranting against all the undesirables in the country, and I’m sure he’ll continue to be a regular

How would you even grab a pussy? Like a bowling ball?

Fahrenhold better get ALL the Pulitzers.

I can’t really imagine that in even the most mutual, long term, consensual relationship being “grabbed by the pussy” is a positive thing.