
It's all fun and games until a tan 1x1 winds up on your spoon.

Quiet! Do you want all the philosophers to lose their jobs?

No there will be a 2.5hr director’s cut, then a year later a 2.75hr master’s cut, then a 2.8hr feature proof cut a year later. We will eventually get to the 3.5hr mark but it will not be until the Ultra20K3dVR remaster in 2025.

It’s a safe bet that he may avoid matches and tinder of any kind for a while.

Pretty sure its true every time.

We live in amazing times.

"I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart alllright allright alright.”

They keep making Godzilla bigger. I want a tiny Godzilla battling rats in the sewers of New York.

Great. Opening day of dove season is a week away and I hunt about four miles from there. Thanks for scaring the game Obama!

Ya can't get to the Mun without blowin' up a few Kerbals...

Why does this film preclude a population problem? Isn't a population problem inherently a use/misuse of natural resources problem as well? I think the apparent scarcity of population/development in the film's setting is directly in line with people making like the Indus (good phrase, btw, officially love it) and

Except the problem with the current water crisis will be due to the increasing human population needing more water (obviously, population is not a problem in this film), and climate change shifting rainfall patterns to out of hands currently being cultivated (and every time that happened in history, humanity simply

All IT professionals do is ask Google.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Look closely, however, and you'll notice that the ratio of rate of death to rate of incidence is higher in ethnicities with dark complexions. Only about 1 in 100,000 black men is diagnosed with melanoma every year, but roughly 50% of those diagnosed with the disease die from it. Compare that to the roughly 25/100,000

FROND / XENU ; NON, DU FREX. pas probleme. NEXU / NDORF. gahd.

So salt. Much grains. Many rumor. Wow.

What's really interesting here is the software, not the hardware. What we learn in writing the control programs for these collectives, we can map to all kinds of situations. Robots on the human scale or microscopic.