
My friends don’t think of me as cool. Having a dry wit, intelligence, and someone you can depend on are things they say about me.

No civilized people go to Ivy League educated attorneys and file class actions. I held off on a Watch v2 so I did speak with my wallet.

I am not one of those people. I expect if someone has a set of rules like can’t buy SIM free at preorder to have a system that says this. furthermore while $20 is not a big deal and I live in a nice place on the water. It is not a cave.

Also I was not aware babies engaged in that type of relations. Thanks for the update.

No doubt you’re right, congrats on Trump U! At least they’ll get a laugh.

Well if it will do that then all is forgiven. Will my boyfriend be jealous?

good catch on the typo

You know I don't care what you think.

Text from my complaint to and one of my facebook posts
Please urge your readers to do the same at - Thanks, Herschel Redd

So if my younger boss tells me to throw a chair through the window and jump from 20 floors up, I should? Employment is a team effort. It is not the military nor is it slavery. It is about discussions and finding the best solution to a problem. Also, “Is the stupidest answer!”, is not a complete sentence and leads one