
If for one moment I thought any savings would be passed from the 5G providers to me in the form of lower prices for services I would be supporting the FCC on this one. As my history with cable, phone, cellular, and IP services providers have shown over many decades....GO LOCAL GOVERNMENT!!!!!

Musical legend Vanilla Ice was aboard the flight...
Legend? One hit wonder I might agree with but legend, uhm nope!

A software salesman met his untimely demise and was greeted by St. Peter at the gate to heaven. Upon examining the great book, St.Peter tells the salesman he has an equal number of good and bad things in his life’s history so the choice of heaven or hell is his decision to make. The salesman, hesitant to make such a

I would just like to get Graffiti on an iPhone. Yes it required a stylus, but it was a very comfortable way to enter text.

The 68000 was a Motorola chip. The PowerPC was IBM.

I have always wondered how 5 or so matching characteristics of a fingerprint could be conclusive evidence that the fingerprint matches the accused. With 7 BILLION people on the planet, it would seem there is doubt.

“but neither the core or the ship survived intact:

And you base your thoughts on intimate knowledge of the contract? Or did you just retrieve it from your backside?

Yep because I want a pilot who makes minimum wage for his skills.

Awesome response!!!

No time and a half for Christmas day is substandard. It should be holiday pay PLUS time and a half or 250%. Ayn Rand novels are fiction, not economics textbooks. Grow up and realize that unless employees group together the overlord will screw them. Unless you own a bazillion shares of AA stock you are just a


I have the first gen MDR-1000 and listened to the gen 2's Saturday. While i have ZERO issues with mine the new ones are noticeably better. As to the trouble you had with controls on the right can, place you index finger on the band over your head and swipe with your thumb. It works every time for me.

If it only had the butterfly keyboard. Sigh.

You people? Now who’s being uppity? This 60 years old white, Southern born male questions your intellectual capabilities over such a demeaning, racist, stereotyping expression.
Great post Ms. Mason!!!

And no mention of Georgia Tech or the annual Tricycle race? The “rat” hats are a dead give away. Sting ‘em Jackets!

Ford did this with Gold in the 90's. GM may have had a system too in the Corvette if memory serves. One problem is they reduce the amount of electromagnetic radiation that can pass thru the glass. Thinks like RADAR. Again as I recall, the ‘vette had a small are where it didn’t have the gold so you count mount your

based on you have no evidence to the contrary
I am under contract until late October. Now if I want to contest their $20 fee I have to fight in arbitration. that is a contract.
I woke up at some ridiculous hour and still di not get my first choice due to their asking for the wrong info. That is embarassing
Chatbots have

Who stayed up late? Went to bed early and got up. You have the wrong lawyer.

There is ZERO tolerance for customer facing failures where I work. Failure gets you put on the street.