Khloe was fucking a 24 year old when she was 14/15. She doesn’t really seem to be the arbiter of good life choices.
Khloe was fucking a 24 year old when she was 14/15. She doesn’t really seem to be the arbiter of good life choices.
Tyga was fucking your underage sister you dumb harpies! Why is that o.k. and this not? At least this is legal.
The Compton hat made me want to punch my screen.
I rolled my eyes so hard at Khloe’s picture of them trying to look tough and quote that my eyes fell out of my head.
I hate saying this, but I do not feel for her parents. The only ethical decision is that which most closely matches the explicit desires of the patient. Parents and children who selfishly deny their children or parents the medical decisions they have stated they want are in the wrong. Only if the parents had a case…
That whole episode still pisses me off years later. I don’t know if there’s a better example of how the right’s commitment to “small government” and complaints about “government overreach” are complete nonsense. They’re quite happy to ignore all sorts of boundaries in pursuit of their sacred cows. The behavior of some…
This poor, poor man. To think it didn’t occur to Bush’s camp that it might be perceived as opportunistic, exploitative and cruel to use this image on top of having been opportunistic, exploitative and cruel about her private ordeal... What truly horrible people.
Michael Schiavo was treated horribly and got the worst raw deal when the fucking congress intervened to collude with Terry’s parents’ denial and he was straight up demonized in the right wing press. It was monstrous how this whole thing was treated like a political football. I had to stop watching. There was something…
There’s a scene on the CBS show Criminal Minds in which JJ, a pregnant FBI profiler, halts a conversation about a killer to put headphones over her pregnant belly.
The “paranoid” in the title makes it sound like a widespread and common thing. I’m like, ummm are my friends/family/contacts missing out on something here? Cause it’s entirely new to me. Although, I agree- Inside Out as well as Toy Story 3 for holy shit hormones cannot take this I’ll never stop crying reasons:)
Yeah. No one told me not to watch things when I was pregnant. To try to avoid stress, sure, but not to avoid watching certain things.
Why are we so paranoid about what pregnant women see?
That was hilarious. Multiple laughs. Leslie Jones doing her bit on Weekend Update was also chuckle-worthy.
I thought that was a good one, too. “White guy with camera” made me snort laugh.
I think you missed one of Selena’s performances, because I definitely saw her perform (aka “lipsynch while breathing heavily and looking like an uncomfortably young girl being inappropriately sexual”) twice.
it wasn’t weird choice of host, she is just so call high profile athlete
Can’t disagree with anything except that Selena did perform twice. Once with a bunch of folks in a semi-circle behind her and once on a bed.
What about the rif on #OscarsSoWhite? They did a pretty good job on that one too.
I was so disappointed that I actually pre-recorded this rant last night:
Well, maybe they’ll at least help women get improved access to birth control?