
Possible. Obi Wan had a British accent though. I just thing the world loves attractive people with British Accents. Either I'm under thinking it or you're over thinking it? Idk? Pretty cool perspective though that I missed.

Also, JJ Abrams said that Rey is 19 and Kylo is 30. So they're definitely not twins. Possibly siblings, but I think most likely cousins.

Great point. I totally think that old dude was watching out for her. Gatsby made a good point too I feel, about how the pawn creature started giving her less credits after the old guy died.

Oh another cool thing I read, that I didn’t pick up on, was when Kylo tried to extract the map from Rey using the force he describes what she is seeing. Which is the island that Luke is on, which she’s never been to. I think this strengthens the case for Luke too. Also, maybe Leia knew about Rey, and actually helped

I like it. Didn’t think about the possibility that Luke didn’t know about her. Interesting. Definitely Luke’s daughter.

Good points. But I still like the Luke connection better. He’s one hell of a pilot/mechanic himself as was Anikan.

I couldn't agree more. I never really cared for him as an actor before I saw the movie tonight. He was icy and awesome everything that Hayden wasn't in the last trilogy. He felt dark. I loved the casting.

I agree. It somehow makes it lamer if everybody is related. I like the idea of her being one of Luke’s students. But the fact remains that Jedi traits are hereditary. We saw that in the first trilogy. It’s not exclusively hereditary, I hope, but it definitely passes from parent to child as it did from Anikan to Luke