I love that Pres. Dotard’s suggestion for a fan protest was to leave the stadium when you saw a protest, abandoning a ticket you probably paid over $100 for. That’ll teach the NFL a lesson!
I love that Pres. Dotard’s suggestion for a fan protest was to leave the stadium when you saw a protest, abandoning a ticket you probably paid over $100 for. That’ll teach the NFL a lesson!
Someone needs to tell Villanueva that he’s part of a TEAM and shouldn’t make this about himself.
Any NFL player with an ounce of moral fiber needs to protest in solidarity with Kaep. The very same flag that Kaep is kneeling against is draped behind this megalomaniac, senile racist as he cheerleads for billionaire owners to fire their black employees for protesting social injustices.
Oh PLEASE, assholes. PLEASE leave when someone kneels for the anthem. Games will be so much better without you.
Should have drank more water.
Wonder if anyone at the Trump organization thought the same thing when their President and CEO spent the last 8 years spreading racist lies about our sitting president. Wonder if this ESPN commenter was equally disappointed by that organization/its leader’s behavior.
Or, put another way, Donald Fucking Trump accused our first black president of having engaged in a criminal conspiracy to illegally seize the White House. This motherfucker.
Just a reminder that Donald Trump publicly berated Obama on a daily fucking basis for eight fucking years, continually insisting that he did not meet the minimum requirement to be president. In short, fuck Donald Trump, and fuck this hypocritical bullshit by the right.
Remember, calling a white person racist (even if everything they do is racist) is the worst speech offense you can commit. Donald Trump can call Mexicans rapists, he can tell people that only Jews should count money, he can be sued for racial discrimination against black people, and he’ll still be elected president.
So it doesn’t matter how professional you, how educated you may be, if you’re conservative (the “stick to sports” crowd) you still misunderstood the first amendment? (which is ironic)
Shame on ESPN fo keeping Clay Travis in the news.
Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.
Talking out your ass *is* the GOP platform.
Is she related to Mike Huckabee? Because she’s a terrible human being and she shares her maiden name with him.
I live my life by one simple rule: if Sarah Huckabee Sanders wouldn’t agree with something I have done, I made the right choice.
Since when does the fucking President have a say in whether a privately-employed sports broadcaster should be terminated? “I believe in free markets and limited government — unless someone says a mean thing about my boss.”
Somebody needs to get SHS a copy of the fucking GOP platform, cause she’s talking out of her…
“If they had never allowed disingenuous squawking from clowns like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to scare them into admonishing Hill, this issue would have never made its way into the White House press room.”
This shit right here is so fucking stupid. If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist. Not because you necessarily believe the white race is superior, but…
The irony of President Trump and his ilk being able to spout of whatever bullshit they like with zero consequence because they’re just “tellin it like it is” while literally anyone that says anything against them has to apologize and grovel for fear of an angry backlash from mouth-breathing morons is... well, I don’t…
There’s that “liberal bias” I keep hearing about at ESPN. Luckily, we have heroes like Clay Travis and Britt McHenry to defend to good name of Preside...sorry, can’t finish, vomiting out of my eyes.