
Ooooooph, I HATE this hemline. It's not flattering on anyone, even Rihanna. Sorry RihRih, you done goofed here.

i love this dress

Title is 100% perfect.

I don't understand not runny egg love. What is the point if you can't dip your toast in it? If eggs were only available hard cooked, I don't think I'd eat eggs.

Footage of the raccoon was captured by a bystander:

When people like a character named Pornstache more than you, it's time to really take a hard look in the mirror.

Great user name!

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

Go get em Gurl! You were raised to hold your head high no matter what they say to you. You are above it. Above them. Walk strong and kick ass!

I was thinking it was another George W. original.

"Sign me right the fuck up. Not only are oatmeal-raisin cookies delicious while lulling you into a false comfort that you're eating something healthy (haters to the left), but yogurt chunks make anything better. I am ashamed to admit that when I had a hamster, I would sometimes eat her yogurt chunks because they were