Stupid TMNT: The Arcade Game.... "Well, we're in the technodrome, we CAN'T stop now because we each spent like $5.00 in quarters to get this far. Dammit, Krane, stop with that cheap shit, I'm dead again!"
Stupid TMNT: The Arcade Game.... "Well, we're in the technodrome, we CAN'T stop now because we each spent like $5.00 in quarters to get this far. Dammit, Krane, stop with that cheap shit, I'm dead again!"
Anyone else thought it was funny how the guy in the white car at 0:22 sprints away from the scene even though his car wasn't involved in the initial crash? Like he was afraid of getting caught violating probation or something....
The game is going to suck if I can't play as Littlefinger managing a brothel.
They're both pretty beefy. The Xbox One and PS4 are both powerful consoles. The best-looking games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3—Halo 4 and The Last of Us, arguably—are already visually outclassed by the likes of the new consoles' versions of Shadow of Mordor, Assassin's Creed Unity and Grand Theft Auto V.
I wish they had at least given Peter Dinklage a single darker contact lens or something, so he'd have the mismatched eye colors.
Why are they making a GoT game for PS2?
Ash is an animal slave trader and engages his slaves in combat on a regular basis. He had it comin'
Ash is a cruel maniac. He captures helpless animals, traps them in little balls for days without light, food or water and pit's them to fight against other harmless animals almost until death.
the seriousness of you not wanting to take part in that not even slightly controversial scene weirds me out. as you said it's just a game. why does it bother you that you have to do it to progress. how is it any different than having to hold x to open a door, you can't progress until you do it. stomping your feet and…
Or you could press X and get on with the game...
I WISH that's what people were complaining about , because that actually makes sense , but people are complaining about being forced to Press X to pay respect lol
Hypocritical behavior does negate a message. Because the context of your message is lost if you (for example) say "We should treat all people equally!" but then follow that up with "But not the Jews. Fuck those guys, they're scum." A message isn't an action, and while Gandhi might have done great things for SOME…
Except... he *was* an asshole. He was for rights... of his people. He *hated* black people. Also slept with young girls in his bed... Naked.
See the "Penn and Teller: Bullshit!" episode above. Timer should jump to about 7:45 where the Gandhi bit begins.
He was also astoundingly misogynist (aside from being madly racist as was pointed out very clearly in the comments above):
Ghandi did good for his own people but supported the systematic control of an entire race of people he considered barely above animals.