
Is it that Trump tapped him to be his running mate?

Really??!! Yikes!

I burst into uncontrollable laughter at that moment and then felt kinda bad about it. Cheaters suck. But then again so does Kristin so it was okay to laugh, right? Because I had the exact same reaction right now re-watching it.

Why is he a thing? He's like a drunken Bambi in DJ headphones, tripping over himself to get to any available vagina.

Did you just drop acid and hallucinate about Ohio?

God, at least spend the money on drugs or something

This is great! When I die, I’ll probably do a similar thing with my fortune to prevent my heirs from getting it.

Great band name. Shreddy Actions.

Has your cat auditioned for Project Runway? I would definitely root for your cat to win avant garde/unusual materials challenge, and go all the way to Fashion Week!

My cat went out and killed dozens of mice, took a class and the learning annex to learn to ‘sew like a seamstress’, made himself a fur death coat and totally rubs it in all the slacker cats faces. He has no use for Oprah.

1. My brain just broke at the idea of putting a fur coat on a fur-bearing animal.

LWE’s. Ladies Who Exercise have taken the place of Ladies Who Lunch. SUV and kid at private school still required.

To be fair, the Lululemon I bought ten years ago when it was made in Canada and not full of Rand quotes on the bag or racist and fatphobic quotes in the media has lasted really well, but also it was made in Canada at a time when they cared about quality, and none of it has ever been in the dryer. Today, I would rather

I thought the clothes looked cheap, and some of it very unpractical for actually working out. Plus KH is one of those people who annoys me for no reason in particular, but just because. (we all have those right?)

I bought a pair of boots from JustFab without realising how difficult it would be to Unsubscribe. Even worse, the boots didn’t fit. I returned then but they gave me a store credit for $10, which was what their “promo” first price was. But instead if being able to buy a new pair for the promo price, all the boots

You DID NOT just post 8 track cartridges reminding me how old I am. YOU DID NOT.

I thought it was hilarious. Then again, I am 14 on the inside. :)

I don’t screw around with any company that won’t let me buy stuff in a standard “I give you money, you give me stuff and we’re done” transaction. If their shit was worth having, they wouldn’t need to fuck around with memberships or standing orders or any of that crap. Fuck off.

So it's like ProActiv which never lets you go.