
Good one!

With all due respect Erin; not a Bro.

Hey now. What did queefs ever do to you? This bro dude is clearly a cheeto-flavored dingleberry. Because bro.

I was sort of hoping to see something like “all vegans get 50% off of a burger” type of thing. Small print caveat: charged double the menu price if you don’t finish it.

Very limited protein sources. If I ate more beans I would be one.

Jesus can I get him to deliver that duck leg salad to Seattle? I need it for the mouth part of my face.

God damn, now I’m hungry. Sounds delicious.

No gonna try and speak to your experience or anything, but I’ve seriously never understood this “vegan dictating their life choices to others” archetype as anything but a paranoid fantasy of people who feel somehow attacked by the personal choices of others which in no way affect anyone else.

Yeah. Throw in the accent and I’d toss it his way...

Fellow practical vegetarian here, I agree completely. There’s this thing called the Internet, where restaurants publish their menus - or failing that, their phone numbers. You can figure out what you can eat ahead of time, or even give them a heads up and let them delight you.

I will stab you with an asparagus spear! Meat is fucking murder!

I am so full of burritos right now Annyhow, ignoring basically most of the article, that vegan is an idiot. I was a vegetarian almost two decades and I would call a new restaurant ahead of time, to see if there was something on the menu aside from the drepressing 1990’s staple, Steamed Sides.

I for one love the irony of a so called feminist dictating how women should look, sound, or behave.

Despite both controversy and petition, Cardiff University said that it would not cancel Greer’s speech.

aimed at having Greer barred from giving a speech on campus...

Last-century feminism. It is pretty weird to hear Germaine Greer called “misogynistic,” though.

UGHHHH. I hate all this “I’m doing X to raise awareness for Y”. The purple fingernails, the wearing green, the drawing & writing on oneself, none of it DOES anything. It reminds me of the whole Kony thing a few years back, when suddenly everyone on Facebook had posted a status that was ostensibly supposed to somehow

You’re not the only one. It was my first thought, too.

And all I could think of was the Curse of the Black Spot episode of Doctor Who. :\

Pretty sure this will lead to The Black Eye Campaign.