
He had the power to startle the Irish…theoretically.

I will watch almost anything for Enver Gjokaj, Reed Diamond or Fran Kranz. If they did a buddy cop show or a Firefly spinoff or did a reading of Glengarry Glenross… I would be so happy.

I am almost sure a spin on Nick's thrill ride ought to enrage her inner biest enough to make it start to fight to the surface.

He'll make her evil again, if that's any consolation. Which it is. Anything is better than domestic Adalind.

Clarkson is dead sexy, all virile and Scottish. I wish my homegirl, Rosamund would take a run at that silver fox.

I find Penny to be pointless right now. She was literally no help to him in repairing his relationship with Amy, she no longer has any big dreams and Cuoco's been phoning it in since the pay raise.

It was a snooze. I'd buy that relationship more if they showed them being friends rather then stinging together these nauseating moments. "See how close we are! Isn't awesome?"

From that point of view… absolutely! Mary's not a totally hump, though.
She's not much of a mother to George though. He's lucky he has Mr. Bawwow.
Edith being so attentive to Marigold really chaffed Mary. She didn't want to have to pay more attention to her child because Edith was interested in the foundling.

Or have to work until the day she died because she spent all her money caring for her feeble minded sister.
Mr. Carson better be something special in the sack or there is just no visible upside here.

I'd rather he join Edith at Brancaster (the Dowager and I believe in love) when she becomes Marchioness. Bertie should want a butler who won't remember him as agent and Edith will want her own man at the helm of her servants who will protect Marigold from gossip out of loyalty to her and affection for Marigold.

I loved Bertie when he was just an agent too though. He's just a delight. I completely believe he and Edith not only love each other but can make a go of it no matter what happens. They could lose all their new found wealth and I think they'd still be okay together.
Whereas if Mary and Henry face a downturn of fortune…

A lot of us mourn the loss of that most interesting lump in the mass of dark haired tuxedos that hovered around Mary in seasons 4 and 5. He was fun.

She really was the picture of restraint, I fully expected her to say, "OH why bring your nonsense into this? Whose wedding day is this?"
At which time, Edith could have pulled a hatchet from under her skirt and just went Lizzie Borden Chronicles on Mary's ass.
Thanks Netflix.

I can see your point. But Betty was so lazy. I don't necessarily like Mary, but to call her Betty Draper may be a bridge too far.

The Drewes were being paid to take care of Marigold so that Edith could remain in her life. It was the husband's decision to not tell his wife the secret. When it became clear that they weren't going to honor the agreement, yeah, she got the kid out.
And how long was she there for? a few months? It's not like she was

For their own safety. As soon as things go tits up with Henry, Edith (and Marigold, whose wellbeing is clearly unimportant to Mary. Like when she got kidnapped, "Well, how am I going to get home if you take the car to rescue her?") are back in the line of fire.

I loved Barrow from the beginning, mostly because I never really liked Bates after season 1 when he went from handicapped and dealing with it to smug superior jerk with cane.
Given his and Thomas's shared loose interpretation of the law, you'd have think they could have become friends at some point.

Or the fact that they all used to stand together in an indistinguishable tuxedo cluster gazing in rapt, stupid adoration of the one woman who didn't care if any of them lived or died.

I know! This is her retirement!
And just because everyone in my living room had the same reaction, doesn't mean it was right.
In the defense of Robert, Cora and Rosamund, they did help to fix the problem… because the aristocracy fixes everything!

He and Lady Mary cinch each other's corsets. They are best friends.