
Um. Shouldn’t the ire be directed at Vogue and their photographer and art director who developed this concept rather than not Kylie.? Yes she could have said NOPE but the people at the magazine who thought this was a good idea should get the brunt of the ire.

Instead, she got beat down by Matt Lauer, who responded to her usual word soup with, “Kellyanne, that makes no sense.”

Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.


I love Corinne too. I feel like if I knew here in real life, I would tease her relentlessly about her nanny but I also feel like I could actually hang out with her and not be annoyed or bored out of my mind.

I like Corrine because she doesn’t really talk shit behind people’s backs (just confronts them face to face) and is really good at her job, which is to keep Nick interested and make good television.

No one here would deny that people on these shows are fame-seekers. Obviously they are. That is something different than a gold digger.

I think it’s more just the massive hypocrisy of Trump running his campaign on the basis that Hillary should go to jail for using a private email server, and then appointing a guy who pled guilty to leaking classified information.

While I agree with the assessment that Rachel is way, way too good for him I kinda love Corrine. I started out disliking her very much because of the nanny and her supposed managing of a multi-million dollar business. But for some strange reason she has grown on me.

On a related tangent: can we place a moratorium on using “controversy” to describe shit that the Trump administration does? It’s such a neutral, throwaway term, implies nothing about what wrongs they’ve done, and plays into the fallacy of the middle ground. Which is to say, a “controversy” implies no one is right or

After that performance last night, I bet her Coachella performance is going to be her singing while giving birth to the twins, and it will be produced beautifully.

It was obviously a shot gun wedding.

Why....did they bring guns to a wedding rehearsal?

So, racism is finally over? That’s a relief.

The “staring at him” thing was Donald being stupid — a Japanese photographer said something in Japanese that Trump didn’t understand, and Trump asked Abe what the photographer said. Abe told Trump the photographer had said “Look at me,” meaning “I’m taking your picture, please turn toward me.” Trump misunderstood what

R.I.P. I Thee Dread 

This is so deliciously good.

My favorite part of this impression is always the tiny Russian flag lapel pin. Such a perfect little touch.

Yeah, for one thing, Kellyanne looks like the crypt keeper now. All of them do. Bannon looks like he’s having an allergic reaction to his own face. They should do Kate’s makeup to look a little more like she hasn’t slept more than 3 hours in a row for 10 years and subsists on nothing but Red Bull and Vodka.

played, a little bafflingly, by Kate McKinnon