
I think there’s also something to be said for the fact that the Real Housewives and Paris Hilton’s popularity both pre-date KUWTK. Did they provide the exact right (wrong?) product at the exact right (wrong?) time? Sure. But Reality TV personalities as celebrities and news makers didn’t start with them - they just

Isn’t making jokes about celebrities and reality stars a major part of her brand? Seems that if she is correct about the issue, she’d be part of the problem.

I think Trump is the logical conclusion to this obsession with Reality TV. We have allowed our lives to be made into reality tv; from dating competitions, weddings, divorce court, plastic surgery makeovers, botched plastic surgery un-make-overs, weight loss competitions, etc. Virtually every aspect of our real lives

All cocks are dicks, but not all dicks are cocks.

I wish that all those girls have a good time with their friends, learn about how our system of government works and enjoy being a part of an inauguration.

All war should be decided by sexy nudes. Imagine Churchill and Hitler in a sexy pose-off

The thing is, they don`t. Neither did I at that age, though. One of the unwritten rules of that age is giving your beauty and personality to scrubs who don`t appreciate it.

I work at a very diverse, progressive place. After the election one of our few white dudes said, “This is awful! I’m a white man. Everyone is going to think I’m the enemy now.” The entire room was like:

Is that a still from the movie? Because he looks like he’s not sure if that thing he’s holding is a skinny feather duster or a really big Q-tip. Isn’t he supposed to be the king of kink or something?

“There’s no jewelry to give you a clue about social status.” 

have you seen other people yet? he’s phenomenal!

That middle dress looks like the “after” ham sandwich.

What in God’s name is happening with Anna Kendrick’s bosom there?

The first time I saw him on Girls I had that cliched, “This kid is going to be a **STAR**!!” reaction.

Yep, the episode with Marnie and Charlie, in particular, was one of the better half hours of TV I watched last year, and I watch a lot of TV.

I find that line interesting considering one of the (many) reasons I quit watching this show (somewhere around season 3) was because I hated how angsty they got and how little real friendship there was between the characters. I vastly prefer broad city for my “millennial women in NYC” needs, Abbi & Ilana are true

His incessant need to brag about how he and everything to do with him is just the best or “record-setting” or whatever is absolutely breathtaking. I can totally believe the most important thing in his mind right now is putting on a good show at the inauguration. Not, you know, solving any of the nation’s problems or

“They made today a work-from-home day at work due to the sub-zero temps.” What?! Only the largest of blizzards has ever been an excuse not to show up at my company. And even then people who live close still show up. Too cold? I wish.

That’s enough internet for today.

Could be worse: